Queen's vs The Competitors

What separates Queen's Online School from the alternatives?

How Queen's Online School Compares to Competitors

Queen’s Online School King’s InterHigh Sophia High School Minerva’s Virtual Academy Wolsey Hall Oxford
Qualified Teachers
Specialist Teachers Guarantee
Tailored Timetables
Comprehensive Pastoral Care
Inclusive Community
Qualified SENDCO/EHCP Lead
Variety of Clubs & Activities
Transparent Fees
Annual fees lower than £7000 (8 GCSE’s)
Affordable Payment Options
No big price rise for GCSE
Small classes of 20 or less guarantee
Live lessons cover full curriculum
20 plus LIVE Lessons per week guarantee*
Regular feedback
Learning Coach
Termly reports

Why isn't Cambridge Home School Online included in the comparison?

The answer is simple: Cambridge Home School Online is a premium, selective online school, making it an unfair comparison in this context.

*Other schools offer 1 or 2 LIVE lessons but most teaching is conducted using a cheaper/less effective method of delivery; flipped classroom, self-study via video learning, learning apps etc. We believe every child deserves as much teacher time as possible